I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally, I'm here in Quebec. Actually, I arrived last Sept 10 at noon. It was a stressful trip. My flight from Toronto to Quebec was delayed and they keep on changing the departure time. I only have 1 hour sleep from my flight Edmonton-Toronto. I was really tired and I was not able to sleep in Toronto Airport because I'm afraid to miss my flight. I have to check the departure time every now and then. And when I arrived home, I'm really dead. I was not able to open my PC to give you some update. I was lying in the bed but I couldn't sleep. I was thinking of my trip to Montreal in the following day. So, I went to the garage and have my car check if everything is okey. It's my first time to drive in the highway(freeway) alone in a 2 and a half drive. I used to drive in the highway going to Montreal but hubby was with me. He always help my in entering the highway but now, I have to do it alone. It was really hard driving with a jet log from my trip in the previous day. It was stressful in the road and the worst is, I forgot my laptop. I prepared my laptop bag before I slept in that night and my all charger (for my 2 cellphone and camera) was in my computer bag. Oh boy! I really felt to cry knowing that my laptop is not with me. The battery of my cellphone was dead too.
But in my way home this morning, I called my friend and I stop in their place. All the gang were there..I was so happy talking with them, I arrived in their place 10:00 in the morning and I left 3:30 in the afternoon. I was driving another 1 and a half hour under the heavy rain and the traffic was very heavy. I was so happy when I arrived home and I'm so proud of myself hehehhe
That's all for now and have a great evening to all
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