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Tuesday, 12 August 2008


It's been two weeks now that the weather here is very unpredictable. We can't trust the weather forecast because it's always opposite of what's the forecast on that day. Like today, the forecast from last night is rain. Instead of painting the garage, we just cancel it because we don't want to paint under the rain. But when we woke up this morning, the weather is so nice. It's sunny and not so warm. We are very tempted to paint the garage because we are already delayed of our schedules but we don't want to take a risk also. It's already 6:30 P.M. here but still the sun is so bright without any single drop of rain. We are very disappointed because if we did the first coat this morning, it should be a big job done. But we didn't. Tomorrow is suppose to be nice as what the weather forecast said. But we already have a plan for tomorrow. Expo Quebec will start tomorrow and we want to go there. We don't know now what we gonna do tomorrow. We are very loaded in the weekend. We have to go to the chalet Friday and Saturday is the cirque. Anyway, Expo Quebec will end Aug. 24 so we still have time to go there. But our only concern now is that, Hubby is schedule to go to Edmonton for work this month. Anytime this month his boss will call him. We really don't have any idea when he will go. He might go tomorrow or the next day or the next week..that we don't know. So we have to do as much as we can. He will work there 5 weeks and this time, I will go with him.

Oppss..I been too far now he he he. I have to end this and be ready to go out for fun.


Anonymous,  13 August 2008 at 00:04  

Thats really unpredictable weather...Anyway got you a tag hope you will get it and let me know if finish...