I been eating bad foods this past few weeks. I'm not eating good breakfast from tuesday to friday because my course is starting 8:00 am and I need to leave from home 7:00 am because of the heavy traffic. I wake up 6:30 am and prepare myself. So I don't have much time to eat my breakfast. All I have is a smoothies with protein. And then after my course I'm so hungry to death and that will cause my headache. So to prevent having headaches I have to eat but because I finish 10:00 am, the canteen is still close. I always have chocolate in my bag so I can have it everytime I feel hungry to avoid headache. I know chocolates are not good for my health but that's the only way I know to have something in my stomach. Sometimes, I go to
the mall after my course but again, I'm not eating good foods there. I can feel that I'm gaining a lot of
weight now and honestly, I'm so worried about it. I know that it's only me that can help myself so I'm trying my best to control my food intake. Yesterday night, I started cooking chicken with veggies without rice. I know it's good for me and for hubby too. This morning, we drove 1 hour just to have brunch. I felt guilty to myself. I took western omelette but that's all I got, no dessert and just milk in my coffee (I always put 2 cream in my coffee).
Then tonight, my friend visited me and we decided to have fish for supper. Photos above were our supper a while ago with cantalope as our dessert. I guess it's good enough for my health.
same here i love eating healthy food esp. now that i have a child to teach how to eat the healthy foods
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